Browsing Category : trends

Power Casual! The new office look in 2022

Dress for success has a whole new meaning. Power casual is the new office look in 2022. If looking at your pre-pandemic work clothes is more depressing than the thought of commuting in the winter, it’s time for a refresh. When the coronavirus pandemic sent workers home and lives moved to the lower-resolution virtual world, fashion took a backseat. As…

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How to hike behind the Hollywood sign!

Einmal das Hollywood Zeichen zum Greifen nah. Für viele Los Angeles Besucher ein großer Wunsch. Als ich vor über vier Jahren nach LA gezogen bin, hat mich dieses Wahrzeichen nahezu magisch angezogen. Ich habe es so oft in den großen Hollywood Streifen gesehen und es erschien mir mit einer Entfernung von fast 10.000 Kilometern aus Deutschland nahezu unerreichbar. Das ich…

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#noshoppingforoneyear – my self-experiment

This interview was published in german at Mrs. City magazine ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Shopping detox for a whole year!  Trendscout and lifestyle expert Tanja Vieth is conducting a self-experiment in what it feels like to not buy new clothes, shoes or bags for a year. In an interview, the 38-year-old reveals what lies behind the project, what role sustainability plays in her…

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Tanja Vieth müde und ausgelaugt

Sleep your way to youthfulness, fitness and success!

Hello, At the moment, I’m working on the opening of my studio. I am so excited and happy.  But just around noon, I find myself fighting against sleep. I can sense my performance and creativity is noticeably reduced. In addition, the lacking of attention and reduced responsiveness increases the risk of having an accident by seven times. My suggestion on…

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Converse chucks bunt

What your converse say about you

I love Converse, and there is not one color I don´t like. But I just wear high tops. I like flats too but not on my feet. I found this Guide about Converse colors, and think it is pretty funny. It says what your color of Converse say about you. It doesn´t work so good for me because I have…

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Lieblingsorte #2: Westhollywood – Paradies für LGBT

West Hollywood liegt nordwestlich in Los Angeles. Durch eine große schwule Bevölkerung und eine hohe Anzahl schwul-lesbischer Lokale ist WeHo ein prominentes „Gay-Village“ geworden, dem ich mich auch nicht entziehen konnte. Obwohl ich in ganz Los Angeles keine negativen Erfahrungen mit homophoben Äußerungen gemacht habe, fühlt es sich manchmal einfach unbeschwerter an seine Zeit mit Gleichgesinnten zu verbringen und sich…

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Tanja Vieth Lifestyle

My first three month on Instagram

After three months on social media I took a look back. Looking back entails looking at the past, 4000 followers ago. Meanwhile this platform has become an integral part of my day. There are some profiles I enjoy following, and there are those who enjoy following my life. After 12 weeks I can say that I’m getting more and more…

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